Conducting Your Auction
How We Prepare the Site:
In essence, we undertake the job of transforming your facility from a production environment into an industrial store. About four to six weeks before the auction, we begin preparing your site. We pay careful attention to this step, because it’s important to help maximize the value of your assets.
During this preparation, our setup crew will sort through your assets and group like items together into lots, move small machinery, equipment, and accessories into logical groupings, clean the machines and facility, tag the items for auction, and catalog and photograph each auction item.
Our field supervisors are full-time professionals; most have been with our company for many years and have prepared hundreds of auction sites for sale. Each field supervisor has complete authority over the assigned jobsite. They order supplies, arrange and supervise labor and work closely with each client to produce the best possible sale environment. Our crews work with your staff to ensure that we as well as any visitors comply with company policies and adhere to safety standards. We always recognize that we are a guest in your facility.
All auction setup expenses, just like the advertising expenses, are included in the pre-approved auction expense allowance. PMI pays all such expenses through the sale until settlement.
Our crew will also be responsible for a public inspection of the assets one or two days before the auction. This inspection period gives potential buyers the opportunity to see the machines operate (by your staff or with your permission only) and fully inspect any equipment they plan to buy.
Auction Day:
A sale crew of auctioneers and office staff will conduct the auction. These are trusted employees who have many years of experience with the company. They handle bidder registration, auction calling and selling, sales support, sales recording, invoicing, collection, security and other aspects of the sale day. We utilize the latest software and digital technology to assure a seamless sale process.
In the case of an “onsite” auction, our crew travels with computers, printers, signage, and other necessary items to create a professional mobile office, and use a proven asset tracking and financial management system for full auction accountability.
Ron Moore, one of our founders and president, will serve as principal auctioneer and is supported by other experienced auctioneers.
Following the Auction:
We will have a crew on site following the auction to supervise the removal of the sold equipment and ensure that your company and PMI are protected. Removal of items generally begins as soon as the auction ends, and continues as long as necessary (typically one to two weeks), but additional time is allotted to accommodate each specific sale. Anyone using a powered vehicle or lifting device to move items, whether they are a rigger or a buyer, must have a certificate of insurance on file in the amount of $1,000,000 (or more) plus workman’s comp. PMI and the landlord must be added as an additional insured.
For each auction event, we provide a list of independent service providers and riggers available to contract with buyers for the crating/packing and shipping of purchased equipment. We offer this list as a service to help buyers meet the time-sensitive equipment removal deadlines at each individual customer’s auction.
After the sold equipment is removed, our staff will manage and assist in leaving your facility in an orderly businesslike manner.